
Showing posts from May, 2022

Cryptic #3

Made this puzzle without a true seed word: just starting putting some words into the grid and let it sort of flow from there, which, I think, led to some pretty fun stuff. (AmuseLabs was being real shitty, so this is getting out like 4 days after I was originally intending.) Rood word count: 1? (depending on how finely attuned you are to adult film tropes)

Cryptic Midi #1

This was the first grid I ever made when I was just playing around with how to make one. I recently decided to clue it, and tried to do so in a more straightforward manner. Rood words: 1 (not much to say about this) Full Screen

Not So Artsy (Themeless Midi)

 I tried to make a full-sized puzzle for my first non-cryptic, and failed, so I set my sights a little smaller (because who doesn't like reduced expectations). Rood word count: 0 (although one entry might make a 6-year-old, or a 66-year-old, giggle)

Cryptic #2

Finished this one a week after my first one, but getting published on the same day, because who has time to actually make a blog (I do; I was just very lazy). Rood word count: 2? (Possibly PG, depending on how you feel about feces) 

Cryptic #1

My first ever cryptic! Thanks so much to elderism ( ) for inspiring the name of this blog after solving 1A and for being largely responsible for my getting into constructing them in the first place. Rood word count: 2 (Only share with your children if you're ready to have "the talk")